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Articles in English

10 articles

Philosophy for children and special education : a promising approach to support students with special needs

The practice of philosophical dialogue for children with a language disorder

Embodied participation in philosophical practices with children and teenagers: Some reflections

Can the "world of culture" be introduced through philosophical dialogue?

Inclusive philosophical dialogues: Supporting participation and learning for all students

Sensitive Topics in Democratic and Philosophical Discussions: Analysis of Teaching Practices in the Implementation of PhiloJeunes

Philosophy for children in the service of self-determination, well-being and mental health in elementary schools: Perspectives from clinical child psychology

Practice of Philosophical Dialogue and the Quest for Meaning: An Indispensable Duo

Understanding the misunderstandings in the argumentation to reduce learning inequalities.

The Philosophy for Children: Attempting a Pragmatist Approach to Knowledge Relations Guaranteeing the Recognition of the Child as an Epistemic Subject